Spirited – beautiful new collection by Sharon Holland and AGF

Hi everyone, Now that food feast and fun with family and friends are settling down, let's talk fabric again... beautiful, new fabric!! Sharon Holland did it again - Spirited is just so amazing!! Colors are so rich and beautiful, florals with…

Hello, hello… (time for quick update)

Hi friends, It's been a while!! Unlike Charley here, I am not hiding, but somehow managed to be absent from blogging world for two months now?? Really bad... I think I will blame Instagram?? (not really). Over there, the sharing and conversations…

Moonlit Garden and Capri Gardens quilt pattern, inspired by Floralish and Capri collections by Katarina Roccella and AGF

--------------------------------------------------------------- QUILT PATTERN UPDATE: Moonlit Garden pattern is now also Capri Gardens as it is updated with a quilt version made with beautiful Capri collection by Katarina Roccella. You…

Everlasting Blog Tour – welcome to Day 1! (now with updates + free pattern!)

Hello everyone, It is time for a Everlasting Blog Tour - hooray!!! Latest and oh-so-beautiful collection by Sharon Holland for Art Gallery Fabric is called Everlasting and just as it's name says, it is inspired by all things everlasting-…

Season of flowers, in the garden and on the fabric

Hi everyone, It seems that we finally have blooms coming over here in Buffalo! It has been a cold and rainy spring... While roses are still in buds, some peonies are finally opening... I am super excited this year for two of them - a…

Weaving It – free pattern and strip piecing tutorial

Weaving It - a free pattern and strip-piecing tutorial for an easy, beginner level quilt, great for showcasing many beautiful prints.

New tutorial and pattern coming soon

Hi everyone, Hope you winter is going well! Over here we have a decent amount of snow and some cold days, but that's to be expected. Good sewing weather! Well, if you are not down with a head cold, that is. I was, hence my tutorial and pattern…

My sweet little Valentines

Hi everyone, Hope you had a day filled with love yesterday and really - any other day! I definitely did and I am so deeply grateful for all the love that surrounds me. My family is truly my heartbeat. These days grandkids are the center of…

Creative journey of making a special baby quilt

Hi there friends, and happy February!! It is cold and frozen here these days, but that's what winter is all about, right? One advantage of that - it's a perfect quilty weather, right?? I am just about done with a very special project - a…

Mara Quilt Designs – small steps to growing my brand

Hello everyone, Real winter finally came to Buffalo and it is chilllllly today. I am going home early from work and sitting in the bus, writing this blog post. I wanted to write it all down, all my thoughts and plans, all the steps I am…