Good morning friends!
It is an early and chilly morning here and I am laughing at myself right now, with my first coffee… last night I sat in my bed to write the blog post for day 6 and literally fell asleep while doing it! Oh my… But in some bleek defense – it was a busy day and weekend and I guess my body just said “no”? Yeah, once you get in certain age, you body does that… And I know I should have several blog posts lined up in advance, but I didn’t get there yet it seems? LOL! Also, I do enjoy somewhat “daily report” type of writing right now, although the real question is – do you? I hope so… 🙂

Let’s start this Monday by catching up with daily prompts for this challenge – I skipped the prompt for Day 5 on Saturday and it was “your first project”. I have to admit, I can’t quite remember if this was the one technically, but it was definitely among the first ones. I remember when I first saw Attic Windows pattern – I totally fell in love! The ideas were all over my head and once I saw this panel in the store, I knew I had to make it into the Attic Window quilt. I mean – literally a window! Just look at that quilt – it has all the “marks” of a beginner, but my kids never let me NOT put it on the wall for the holidays – they said “it’s not holiday season until Santa quilt is on the wall!”
Seriously, this poor thing is getting old and quite faded too (at least the navy border fabric – see below? ) but it is a tradition, so it’s on the wall! Look at that hand quilting I tempted (with puffy polyester batting inside! oh my…).

I made quite a few of these for presents and I even have a tutorial for it made many years ago (exactly nine), so if you do visit it or use it, please excuse all my beginner blogger mistakes… You can find it HERE
Day 6 prompt of the blogging challenge was Oldest UFO. Oh boy, oh boy…. that is a tough one as I still have a drawer-full of those, not counting some fairly recent tops that need quilting! But if I think about it, there is one UFO that is definitely among the oldest and also one I am determined to finish soon. You see, many tears ago, when my kids were still at home, teenagers and all that, I asked them to design/thing about the quilt they want. For the oldest, Stefan, it was easy – he wanted a quilt about soccer (being a die-hard fan and excellent soccer player!) and his favorite European team, Serbian leading team Red Star.

So here is what I came up with, designed and printer from my then version of EQ. I now do not remember what was the version on the right about and why those blank blocks… So why is this still a UFO? Honestly I am not sure. I think at the time, it was taking time to paper-piece those 6″ star blocks (there is about 80-something of them in the quilt!) and then I thought he lost interest, he grew-up and didn’t want a boy-ish quilt like that, in literally primary colors….

… and quilt, all cut-up, organized in baggies, papers printed and even half-way blocks pieced, kept sitting in the box. As he is a father now himself, every time I make something for his girls (and of course now grandkids get priority!), he keeps jokingly asking where is his quilt! Well… you see now that I simply HAVE TO finish it, right? My daughter in law will certainly have trouble incorporating it into any home decor, haha! But it will be done and finished soon, even if as a family joke (of how long it took me!) Now that it is out in the open – feel free to ask about it and nag me and I promise to keep you posted.
That bring us to today’s day 7 prompt – Dream project. Well if that is not a leap into the future!! What is my dream project?
That can definitely be a whole blog post all on its own. I dream about many things when it comes to this creative life… many designs and quilts, many projects, things I would love to teach again, all that I want to share. But one that is definitely and completely in to realm of DREAMS, one that comes to mind immediately when word DREAM is mentioned is – to write a book. A quilting book. Did I mention it is a DREAM? Ha ha, yes my friends I do dream crazy dreams like that and I am not really even sure why… But I even have some potential topics written down somewhere. Crazy, I know but hey – one can dream!!
What are you dreaming about when it comes to your creative life?
Now that is something I would definitely love to know more about – let’s chat! 🙂
With a promise (to you and myself!) of no more “catching up” but regular posts, wishing you a happy Monday and whole week ahead!
PS – look what my girls and I made during the weekend sleepover time – a whole avalanche of pompom snowballs and some pink and purple ones too, of course! They loved doing this so there will be more pompom projects in our future! 🙂

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