Hi everyone,

this past weekend was just so great, both outside and inside!
Outside, we had several as perfect summer days as they can be! Morning and evening a bit chilly, day sunny but not too hot. Yes please!
It’s still summer of course but fall is knocking on the door…spotted these while walking Marley:

YUP – those fall leaves! And of course Marley says:
 Really mom, pictures again?? 🙂
I was thinking that this time of the year is “time to bear fruits” – flowers turn into fruits and seeds, as if to say “enough with pretty stuff, let get down to business” – ha, ha! So my fabulous Clematis
looks like this now:

But isn’t it almost just as fascinating? I love these seed pods!
Of course there is still a plenitude of flowery garden inspiration – Coneflowers and Black Eye Susans, giant hibiscus, even some roses re-blooming…

I really am in love with nature and color…
Inspired already? 🙂
OK, now back to the indoors and some quilting fun! After I finished that baby quilt – I was on a roll to quilt something else! Remember this little piece?

Yeah – the one I did a tutorial on few months ago (you can find the tutorial HERE ) and yes – it still wasn’t quilted!! WIP? UFO? Call it whatever, the best is DONE, right? 🙂 Off to quilt I go!

Out of my stash of yummy Aurifil colors came these three beauties! Perfection, right? These are all 50wt cotton Aurifil threads, by far my favorite. Now was the question on how to quilt it? My first instinct was to go what I know the best and do the most – some free-motion swirls or curlicues or…you get the picture. But decided this one needed some echo quilting…so here is the start:

Well, definitely not perfection but you get better as you do more! (or that is what I tell myself, lol).

I discovered that after doing all this free-motion quilting, going in straight lines, with feed dogs up and all that, was NOT that easy! Yeiks! But it is SO good to step out of your comfort zone…so I plugged along:

OK – I did it! All echo-quilting in white fabric areas.

Time to switch to color and – yes, some free-motion! Ha, ha! Hey, it was my reward for being so good and disciplined with that straight line!
Oh and you know what else – my sewing room faces west, sunset was beautiful, light breeze coming through the window and it was just so beautiful sitting there, quilting into the sunset! 🙂
Some swirls in green:

Some feathery curly things (a better name, please?) in pink:

Some hearts for love…(bottom)

And that was it! All done!

 The back: (together with threads not cut yet… 🙂  )

Quilted into the sunset…

I think binding will be green…or pink? What’s your vote?
Now I need a name for this one… HELP?

Thank you for spending some time with me. How do you usually quilt your quilts – free-motion or straight line? Matching threads or contrast?
I have yet another UFO in line to be quilted – one that first puzzled me on how to quilt it until I saw a clue in fabric….will share that soon!
Have a great week ahead,

PS – AN UPDATE!  Through great comments on Facebook (thank you all!) it occurred to me that some people would rather PRINT the instructions and printing directly from the blog can be difficult and take a lot of ink (photos, etc.). So, here is the link for downloading a PDF file with all instructions that you can then print easily! I hope that this, together with photo instructions in the post HERE will make it easier for you to try this! Have fun and happy stitching! Marija

0 replies
  1. Lucy @ Charm About You
    Lucy @ Charm About You says:

    Your blooms are beautiful! The quilting is great, really adds to the texture of the piece and the echos were a good choice, I like the architectural quality it gives. I would go with green binding too, maybe a pale tone so it doesn't distract from the pop of the piece?!


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