Test of technology…

Hi there, I am doing a little test of technology and trying again my blogging from the phone, after nice folks from Wordpress quickly answered my call for help (thank you WP!!) Planning to do a post about my sewing room today, as part…

Day 3 of Blog Writing Challenge – where I work (and technology fail of Day2… )

Hi there my friends, welcome to Day 3 of my #31DaysBlogWritingChallenge !! It is also Monday and I am at work - having a coffee break now and thought to myself to show you all, my quilty/sewing friends, the other (geeky) side of me - my…

Blog revival and 31 day challenge

Hi everyone, Remember me? LOL - I could say that I have trouble remembering me... me the blogger and quilter that is... Ok, we won't go into that too much now except to say - it will END NOW! 😁 See that title - yup I am determined…

Hello autumn!! (back to blog and sewing)

Hi everyone, Summer always takes me away from my studio somehow (likely the fact that there is no AC in our old house has something to do with it - it gets hot up there!) but as soon as August turns its page and heat subsides a bit, I am…

My Quilt Patterns

Hi everyone, coming to you in a late night post here. Hope you are enjoying these summer days? Summer is such a busy time of year and often I feel a bit "all over the place"... Well honestly, I do feel like that any time of the year, specially…

Sewing and gardening

Hi everyone! Spring is finally in full swing here and that means some minimal sewing time - at least until garden stuff gets all started and done. Same with you? So today, some lovely garden photos first: my pride and joy - Golden…

Finally spring!! (and more sewing too)

Hi everyone! Yes, spring is very very late to show up here... I am generally not the one to complain about the weather at all, but this cold temps (and snow flakes flying just few days ago!) were bit of a drag. However, it's changing…

Fun with Sew-a-long

Good morning everyone, Happy spring!!! I can only offer you indoor blooms and some longing-for-spring kitty gaze, as it is still very cold in my part of the world... but at least astronomy says it is starting!! We'll take that…

New job, FMQ challenge and Valentines

Hi everyone, Hope you all have days filled with love and celebrated it even more last week with your loved ones. :) I was quiet here for many reasons, but emerging now with some new life set-ups - I have a new job!! I finally found…

Autumn means more sewing…

Hi there, Is that true for you too? Once autumn comes and all summer outdoor activities subside considerably (well at least here in north east), is definitely means more sewing time for me! In my case, it also means more blogging time - I…