Hello there,
how are you? I hope you are doing well.
I am doing ok and right now, just wondering if there is anyone out there who will even see this?
Helooo… 😆

Yes, I completely abandoned my blog for a long while.
I really don’t know why… because the truth is, I love to tell stories, I love to chat, I love to share what I have or create and most of all – I love to connect.
So if I am honest with myself, I have to say that I really miss sharing here, reading your comments and taking you on whatever journey I am on, if you are willing to come along.
I thought many times of starting to blog again, and just as many the thought got lost in a shuffle of busy days. So what changed now?
Well, when life slows you down, like with a good old head cold and sniffles, here I am, under the blanket, trying to read a little as the headache just subsided… the book is Show Your Work by Austin Kleon .

can’t say a lot about it yet, as I just started, but what it immediately did for me is – stopped me in my tracks, brought all the thoughts and feelings about sharing and connecting with others and here I am – decided to put the book down for a bit, a literally, right here and now, write this first-after-a-long-time blog post!
With a promise to myself to keep doing it.
Notice I didn’t say “promise to you”… not because I don’t want to, but because there might not be anyone of you actually reading this? But that’s ok, I hope you will come eventually…
So what now, you may ask? (anyone..?)
I really am not sure just yet, because as I just mentioned, I did not think this through at all. I literally just opened my blog, on my phone mind you, and started writing! Crazy, right?
But let’s find out together!
Let’s start with the photo at the very beginning:
I invite you at my table! Let’s gather, chat, eat and connect!
That is why I placed that photo there. It just felt right?
I just recently finished this table runner and placemats set as my entry into the Gifting Handmade Makers Showcase – a beautiful virtual event hosted by Sharon Holland on her Instagram and Blog. This is the third annual event and I am so proud and grateful to be small part of it, together with some amazing designers and makers. I highly recommend you check it out, maybe even try making some handmade gifts suggested and most definitely enter amazing giveaways.
The quilty information about my project is:
Pattern is Pieceful Pathways quilt by me (find it in the shop), where I used the same number of blocks needed for the Throw size quilt to create a long table runner and 12 square placemats. You could of course make any number and combination of the runner and placemats you want, but you would still follow all directions for cutting as for the quilt itself – just a fun, alternative use of the pattern!
Fabrics is the gorgeous Tumbleweed collection by Sharon Holland and Art Gallery Fabrics. This collection is so rich and beautiful, I could make everything in it!! ( I can’t get Art Gallery Fabrics locally so above link is just one of my go-to places for it.)

Here are just some of the placemats – I had a lot of fun quilting these and will share soon in more detail what I did.
My table runner is made from total of 16 blocks and measures 16”x64” because I do have a long dining room table and need them to be long. One made from total of 12 blocks would be 16”x48”

Well that is all for now – if you are here and still reading this, I am sending you a hug!! 🤗
With 100% honesty I can say – I feel so happy I dropped everything to do this, ( albeit with a bit foggy, congested head!), and even grateful to my undesired head cold for placing me on the couch and under the blanket, pausing busy life weather I like it or not.
So pressing “publish” on this, right now with a happy heart and that little promise to myself to show up here tomorrow again. Hope you join me,
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