First and foremost,

I wish all of you a wonderful, healthy, happy and full of love New Year!! 
May you enjoy everyday blessings of family and friends, thrill of creative expression and excitement of learning something new every day!
I feel very, very humbled and grateful that you choose to spend any of your precious time here with me and I promise to share all my creative adventures! Sharing with you is incredibly inspirational and motivational for me.
Let’s have fun and learn every day together! 🙂
I also feel a bit guilty for not posting in last two weeks of 2011, but holidays and on-and-off flu took the better of me this time…
But let’s hope I am DONE with germs and sickness for this season and will go full speed ahead with new creative adventures, challenges and giveaways!
I have to say that participating in my first Blog Hop was so much fun, I was thrilled to get so many great comments from all of you and hope everyone who won a prize will enjoy it! For all of you who didn’t this time – there will be more!
These past several weeks since my last post were not completely void of quilting and creative fun! I finished one wall hanging – a Spring Wreath. It is a sample for my Intro to paper piecing class that I teach in my local quilt shop,( Threads of Time in Amherst, NY – check it out if you are close by! ). It is such a fun and easy block to start and learn the concept of paper piecing and there is so many creative possibilities with the block itself. Here is my newly finished wreath:
I hang it on the wall after just finishing the binding to take a quick photo – no steaming and blocking, so pardon the wobbly edges, it really is straight! LOL! 
So what do you think? Let me know and if you are interested, I can post a tutorial on how to make this one! The block has many other uses too, so we can have some fun. Let me know!
If you visit with me on Facebook too, you probably saw a quick post around Christmas about my happy dance! 🙂 I did not have a chance to talk about it much here – but earlier this year – oh, wait! LAST year – I started working with well known fabric designer Ro Gregg, designing few quilts to showcase her beautiful, new line of fabric called Marblehead . I was very inspired working even with just virtual fabric and designed several patterns – they will be available very soon through my wonderful publisher, ! Here is a quick preview of the first one:

Here is a version in dark fabrics, called Moonlight Whispers – it reminds me of moonlit vineyard…

As much fun as it was to design these virtual quilts – it is SOOOO much better to play with real, beautiful fabrics! Just days before Christmas I found a package at my door – brand-spanking-new Marblehead fabric arrived!! Look how beautiful it is:

Greens are so luscious!! 

You can almost smell the roses by looking
  at these!

So guess how my first day of the New year is going to be spent? OFF TO MY SEWING ROOM TO PLAY AND MAKE WOVEN WHISPERS QUILT!! WOO-HOOO!
Of course – armed with my new camera, (Santa, aka our wonderful children, gave me a beautiful new one! I am a lucky girl!), I will document it all and be back tomorrow to share with you!
Wishing you lots of love, good health and endless creative inspiration in this brand new year,


0 replies
  1. Gari
    Gari says:

    Oh, the wreath is beautiful and I would love a tutorial. Wouldn't it be fun to have one of those ready for next Christmas? And a great way to get my pp skills up to par.

  2. beaquilter
    beaquilter says:

    I love that wreath! I quilted a friend's quilt recently that was similar like a wreath like this, hers was blue and not a complete wreath, but this just reminded me of it.
    I love the quilt patterns, those are GORGEOUS!

  3. Melody
    Melody says:

    LOVE IT!!! And I love that wreath. A tutorial would be fantastic.

    and thanks so much for the book. I just got home from work and plan to settle down with a cup of tea and the beautiful book. Happy New Year


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