Quilted! The Virtual Summit
Hello quilting friends,
Happy New Year! I hope it brings you only good health, joy, happiness and many creative adventures!
Speaking of adventures - I hopped on here to let you know last minute about a very fun event I am participating…

Return to story telling and sharing
Hello there,
how are you? I hope you are doing well.
I am doing ok and right now, just wondering if there is anyone out there who will even see this?
Helooo… 😆
Yes, I completely abandoned my blog for a long while.

Gifting Handmade Makers Showcase
Gifting Handmade Makers Showcase by Sharon Holland is full of inspiration and great projects you can make, give with love or keep for yourself.

Find Your Path Blog Tour
Hi everyone,
I hope you are well and enjoying all kinds of creative fun!
When I first saw Find Your Path fabric collection by Maureen Fiorellini, for Studio E Fabrics, I knew I wanted to play with it and make a kids version of…

Niagara Stars pattern is here!
Niagara Stars quilt pattern is here and on sale!